Resource | Description |
POST /api_sign_in | Authenticate and return auth_token |
DELETE /api_sign_out | Signout the User. |
POST /azure_api_sign_in | Authenticate using OAuth and return auth_token |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/thing_templates | List all thing templates |
POST /api/v3/thing_templates | Create an thing template |
GET /api/v3/thing_templates/:thing_template_key | Fetch an thing template |
PUT /api/v3/thing_templates/:thing_template_key | Update an thing template |
DELETE /api/v3/thing_templates/:thing_template_key | Delete an thing template |
PUT /api/v3/thing_templates/:thing_template_key/set_user_defined_properties | Set user defined properties on a thing template |
PUT /api/v3/thing_templates/:thing_template_key/remove_user_defined_properties | Remove user defined properties on a thing template |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/metrics | List all metrics |
POST /api/v3/metrics | Create an metric |
GET /api/v3/metrics/:metric_key | Fetch an metric |
PUT /api/v3/metrics/:metric_key | Update an metric |
DELETE /api/v3/metrics/:metric_key | Delete an metric |
POST /api/v3/metrics/:metric_key/add_treatments | Add treatments to metric |
PUT /api/v3/metrics/:metric_key/update_treatments | Update treatments |
DELETE /api/v3/metrics/:metric_key/delete_treatments | Delete treatments |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/things | List all things |
POST /api/v3/things | Create a thing |
GET /api/v3/things/:thing_key | Fetch information for a thing |
PUT /api/v3/things/:thing_key | Updates a thing |
DELETE /api/v3/things/:thing_key | Delete a thing |
PUT /api/v3/things/:thing_key/tag | Adds tags to a thing |
PUT /api/v3/things/:thing_key/untag | Removes tags from a thing |
PUT /api/v3/things/:thing_key/set_user_defined_properties | Set user defined user_defined_properties (properties) on a thing |
PUT /api/v3/things/:thing_key/remove_user_defined_properties | Remove user defined properties on a thing |
Resource | Description |
POST /api/v3/query/thing_aggregated_data | Get aggregated thing stats like sum, count, min, max |
POST /api/v3/query/thing_data | Get raw event data for a thing |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/groups | List all groups |
GET /api/v3/groups/:group_key | Fetch details of a specific group |
POST /api/v3/groups | Create a group |
PUT /api/v3/groups/:group_key | Updates a group |
DELETE /api/v3/groups/:group_key | Delete the specified group |
PUT /api/v3/groups/:group_key/tag | Add specified tags to a group |
PUT /api/v3/groups/:group_key/untag | Remove specified tags from the group |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/rules | List all rules |
GET /api/v3/rules/:rule_key | Fetch details of a specific rule |
POST /api/v3/rules | Create a rule |
PUT /api/v3/rules/:rule_key | Updates a rule |
DELETE /api/v3/rules/:rule_key | Deletes the specified rule |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/notification_actions | List all notification actions |
GET /api/v3/notification_actions/:notification_key | Fetch details of a notification action |
POST /api/v3/notification_actions | Create a notification action |
PUT /api/v3/notification_actions/:notification_action_key | Updates a notification action |
DELETE /api/v3/notification_actions/:notification_key | Delete a notification action |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/rule_trigger_events | List all rule trigger events |
GET /api/v3/rule_trigger_events/:rule_trigger_event_key | Fetch information for a rule_trigger_event |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/alerts | List all alerts |
GET /api/v3/alerts/:alert_key | Fetch an alert |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/licenses/details | Get license details |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/rule_trigger_events | List all rule trigger events |
GET /api/v3/rule_trigger_events/:rule_trigger_event_key | Fetch information for a rule_trigger_event |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/roles | List all roles |
GET /api/v3/roles/:role_key | Fetch information for a role |
POST /api/v3/roles | Create a role |
DELETE /api/v3/roles/:role_key | Delete a role |
PUT /api/v3/roles/:role_key | Updates a role |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/key_pairs | List all key_pairs |
GET /api/v3/key_pairs/:key_pair_key | Fetch information for a key_pair |
POST /api/v3/key_pairs | Create a key_pair |
DELETE /api/v3/key_pairs/:key_pair_key | Delete a key_pair |
PUT /api/v3/key_pairs/:key_pair_key | Updates a key_pair |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/audit_trails | List all audit trails |
GET /api/v3/audit_trails/:audit_trail_key | Fetch information for an audit trail |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/metric_event_counters/metric_events | Fetch metric evets in date range |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/users | List all users |
GET /api/v3/users/:user_key | Fetch information for a role |
PUT /api/v3/users/:user_key | Updates a user |
DELETE /api/v3/users/:user_key | Delete a user |
PUT /api/v3/users/:user_key | Change user password |
POST /api/v3/users/:user_key | Invite user |
Resource | Description |
POST /api/v3/gateway | Create a gateway |
GET /api/v3/gateway | List all gateways |
GET /api/v3/gateway/:gateway_key | Fetch information for a gateway |
PUT /api/v3/gateway/:gateway_key | Updates a gateway |
DELETE /api/v3/gateway/:gateway_key | Delete a gateway |
GET /api/v3/gateway/:gateway_key/configuration | Fetch configuration |
POST /api/v3/gateway/register | Register gateway |
Resource | Description |
GET /api/v3/instructions | List all instructions |
POST /api/v3/instructions | Create an instruction |
GET /api/v3/instructions/:instruction_key | Fetch an instruction |
PUT /api/v3/instructions/:instruction_key | Update an instruction |
DELETE /api/v3/instructions/:instruction_key | Delete an instruction |
PUT /api/v3/instructions/:instruction_key/execute | Execute an instruction |